5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition
Empires in the Americas h 141 Moundbuilders of North America A second major concentration of pre-Columbian Native Americans was ...
142 i PERIOD 3 Develop Regional and Transregional Interactions (c. 600–c. 1450) The Incas Around 1300, about the time that the A ...
Empires in the Americas h 143 Both the Aztecs and Incas (A) allowed women a significant role in public life (B) were originally ...
144 i PERIOD 3 Develop Regional and Transregional Interactions (c. 600–c. 1450) D—The Aztecs built on a number of Mesoamerican ...
Summary h 145 PERIOD 3 Summary: Regional and Transregional Interactions (c. 600 C.E.–c. 1450) Timeline 570 – 632 Life of Muhamma ...
146 i PERIOD 3 Develop Regional and Transregional Interactions (c. 600–c. 1450) Change/Continuity Chart REGION POLITICAL ECONOMI ...
Summary h 147 Sub-Saharan Africa Stateless societiesIslam Indian OceanTrade i n ivor y, ebony, animal skinsTr a de w it h Por t ...
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4 PERIOD Global Interactions (c. 1450–c. 1750) CHAPTER 16 Empires and Other Political Systems CHAPTER 17 Hemispheric Exchange CH ...
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KEY IDEA h 151 Empires and Other Political Systems IN THIS CHAPTER Summary: About 1450, a major global transition took place wit ...
152 i PERIOD 4 Global Interactions (c. 1450–c. 1750) Spain and Portugal in the Americas In the mid- and late fi fteenth century, ...
Empires and Other Political Systems h 153 On the completion of the Aztec conquest in 1521, the capital city of Tenochtitlán was ...
154 i PERIOD 4 Global Interactions (c. 1450–c. 1750) Families in the Spanish and Portuguese American colonies were patriarchal. ...
Empires and Other Political Systems h 155 classes were raised as Ottoman rulers became more and more corrupt. The infl ationary ...
156 i PERIOD 4 Global Interactions (c. 1450–c. 1750) was a goal of the strong military that the absolute monarchies assembled. T ...
Empires and Other Political Systems h 157 Western craftsmen with him. In order to bolster trade, Peter fought a war with Sweden ...
158 i PERIOD 4 Global Interactions (c. 1450–c. 1750) Japan While the Ming dynasty isolated itself from most foreigners, Japan we ...
Empires and Other Political Systems h 159 Both the Russian Empire and Ming China (A) became increasingly more traditional after ...
160 i PERIOD 4 Global Interactions (c. 1450–c. 1750) mentary authority. Japan (A) was ruled by the authoritarian Tokugawa Shogun ...
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