5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

h 95


10 Interactions in the Late Classical Period


Summary:The classical period came to an end with the weakening and fall
of the empires of Rome, Han China, and Gupta India to invaders. The fall
of the three great classical empires showed a number of similarities. At the
same time, the late classical period featured increased interactions among
the classical empires and other peoples of Asia, the Indian Ocean basin, and
the Mediterranean world.

Key Terms
Hsiung-nu Silk Roads*
Huns White huns

Han China

The Han dynasty of China began to decline around 100 c.e. Among the causes of its
decline were:

  • Heavy taxes levied on peasants

  • The decline of interest in Confucian intellectual goals

  • Poor harvests

  • Population decline from epidemic disease

  • Social unrest, particularly by students

  • A decline in morality

  • Weak emperors and the increased infl uence of army generals

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