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15 Empires in the Americas
Summary:Before the voyages of Columbus and the conquests of the Spanish, the
civilizations and societies of the Americas developed in isolation from the remain-
der of the world. Within the Western Hemisphere, many of the peoples of the
Americas engaged in long-distance as well as regional trade. When the Europeans
arrived in the Americas, they encountered not only societies with their own rich
traditions but also mighty empires that dazzled their conquerors.
Key Terms
Anasazi Mississippians
ayllus* mita*
calpulli* Moundbuilders
Chimor parallel descent*
chinampas* Quechua*
Inca* quipus*
Mexica* Toltecs
Pre-Columbian Mesoamerica
After the decline of Teotihuacán and of the Mayan civilization, nomadic peoples such as the
Tolt e c s moved into central Mexico. Establishing a capital at Tula in the mid-tenth century,
the Toltecs created an empire in central Mexico. Their empire included the city of Chichén
Itzá in the Yucatán peninsula. The Toltecs carried on long-distance trade, exchanging obsidian
from northern Mexico for turquoise obtained from the Anasazi people in present-day south-
western United States. Another legacy of the Toltecs was the legend of the god Quetzal cóatl,
a tradition that would circulate among the various inhabitants of Mesoamerica.