5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


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Introducing the 5-Step Preparation Program

This book is organized as a 5-step program to prepare you for success on the exam. These
steps are designed to provide you with vital skills and strategies and the practice that can
lead you to that perfect 5. Here are the 5 steps.

Step 1: Set Up Your Study Program
In this step you’ll read a brief overview of the AP World History exam, including an out-
line of topics and the approximate percentage of the exam that will test knowledge of each
topic. You’ll learn:

  • Background information about the AP exam

  • Reasons for taking the exam

  • What to bring to the exam

  • Other tips to prepare you for the exam

  • How to choose the preparation plan that’s right for you

  • Calendars for three suggested plans

Step 2: Determine Your Test Readiness
In this step you’ll take a diagnostic exam in AP World History. This pre-test should give
you an idea of how prepared you are before beginning your study program.

  • Go through the diagnostic exam step-by-step and question-by-question to build your
    confi dence level.

  • Review the correct answers and explanations so that you see what you do and do not yet
    fully understand.

Step 3: Develop Strategies for Success
In this step you’ll learn strategies that will help you do your best on the exam. These strate-
gies cover all four question types: multiple choice, document-based, continuity and change
over time, and comparative. This part of your preparation program will help you to learn:

  • How to read multiple-choice questions

  • How to answer multiple-choice questions, including whether or not to guess

  • How to analyze primary documents, including texts, photographs, political cartoons,
    maps, and charts

  • How to write free-response essays for the document-based, continuity and change over
    time, and comparative questions

Included are some commonly asked questions as well as advice taken from my experi-
ence as a reader of the AP World History exam.

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