5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

284 i STEP 5 Build Your Test-Taking Confidence

Document 5

Source: Moshweshewe, Chief of the Basuto people, from a letter to Sir George Grey, 1858.

Boers asked permission to live upon our borders. I was led to believe they would live with me as my
own people lived, that is, looking to me as to a father and a friend...

But instead of this, I now heard that the Boers consider all those farms as their own, and were buying and
selling them one to the other, and driving out by one means or another my own people.

Document 6

Source: Jules Ferry, premier of France, from “Speech before the French National Assembly,” 1883.
Yes, what is needed for our great industry... is export markets. Why? Because our neighbor Germany
is surrounded by barriers, and across the ocean, the United States of America has become protectionist...
shrinking its great markets and making access more difficult for our industrial products. Also, these great
states are beginning to pour products never before seen into our own markets...
It must be stated publicly that, in effect, superior races have rights over inferior races...
[France] cannot be merely a free country; she must also be a mighty country, exercising all of her rightful
influence over the destiny of Europe, that she ought to spread this influence throughout the world and carry
everywhere possible her language, her customs, her flag, her weapons, and her genius.
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