5 Steps to a 5 AP World History, 2014-2015 Edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Summary h 75

North Africa

PharaohsKingdoms of Egypt and Kush

BarleyTrade with Sumer and PersiaIronworking

UrbanizationVillage life along the NilePyramidsHieroglyphicsPolytheismStratifi

ed society

Long-distance trade

Regional kingdoms

Sub-Saharan Africa

Tribal governmentRegional kingdoms

Root cropsTrans-Saharan trade

PolytheismAnimismAncestor venerationSlavery

Sub-Saharan tradeBantu migrations

Regional kingdomsPolytheism

Western Europe

Village governmentsGreek city-states

Cereal agricultureIronworking

Agricultural villagesOlympic Games

Indo-European migrations


Eastern Europe

Village governmentsGreek colonization

Cereal agriculture Ironworking

Agricultural villages

Indo-European migrations


North America

Tribal government

ForagingNomadismCultivation of maize

Village organizationPolytheismShamanism

Migration from AsiaAgriculture

Village lifeNomadismPolytheismShamanism

Latin America

City-statesRegional governmentsAndean kingdoms

Limited tradeForagingCultivation of maize


ed society


AgricultureOlmec civilizationChavín culture

Mesoamerican traditions

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