AP Statistics Practice Test 2
Time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
Number of questions: 6
Percentage of total grade: 50
General Instructions
There are two parts to this section of the examination. Part A consists of five equally weighted problems
that represent 75% of the total weight of this section. Spend about 65 minutes on this part of the exam.
Part B consists of one longer problem that represents 25% of the total weight of this section. Spend about
25 minutes on this part of the exam. You are not necessarily expected to complete all parts of every
question. Statistical tables and formulas are provided.
• Be sure to write clearly and legibly. If you make an error, you may save time by crossing it out rather
than trying to erase it. Erased or crossed-out work will not be graded.
• Show all your work. Indicate clearly the methods you use because you will be graded on the
correctness of your methods as well as the accuracy of your final answers. Correct answers without
support work may not receive credit.
Statistics, Section II, Part A, Questions 1–5
Spend about 65 minutes on this part of the exam; percentage of Section II grade: 75.
Directions: Show all your work. Indicate clearly the methods you use because you will be graded on
the correctness of your methods as well as on the accuracy of your results and explanation.
Universities generally post the rosters of all their student athletes, including which sport they play
and their heights. The data in the table represent the height data for members of one university’s
fencing teams.