AP Statistics 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
Note    that    there   are two boxplots    available.  The one that    is  highlighted is  the one that    will    show
outliers. The calculator determines outliers by the 1.5(IQR) rule. Note that the data are in L2 for this
example. Once this screen is set up correctly, press ZOOM → 9:STAT to display the boxplot.

example: Using  the same    dataset as  the previous    example,    but replacing   the 10.2    with    20, which
would be an outlier in this dataset (the largest possible non-outlier for these data would be 9.8
+ 1.5(9.8 – 3.9) = 18.65), we get the following graph on the calculator:

Note    that    the “whisker”   ends    at  the largest value   in  the dataset that    is  not an  outlier,    13.

Percentile Rank of a Term

The percentile rank of a term in a distribution equals the proportion of terms in the distribution less than
the term. A term that is at the 75th percentile is larger than 75% of the terms in a distribution. If we know
the five-number summary for a set of data, then Q1 is at the 25th percentile, the median is at the 50th
percentile, and Q3 is at the 75th percentile. Some texts define the percentile rank of a term to be the
proportion of terms less than or equal to the term. By this definition, being at the 100th percentile is


One way to identify the position of a term in a distribution is to note how many standard deviations the
term is above or below the mean. The statistic that does this is the z-score:

The z   -score  is  positive    when    x is    above   the mean    and negative    when    it  is  below   the mean.
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