AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Creativityis the ability to think about a problem or idea in new and unusual ways, to come
up with unconventional solutions. One way to overcome obstacles to problem solving
and avoid biases in reasoning is to borrow strategies from creative problem solvers.
Convergent thinkersuse problem-solving strategies directed toward one correct solution
to a problem, whereas divergent thinkersproduce many answers to the same question,
characteristic of creativity. When they feel stuck on a particular problem, creative thinkers
tend to move on to others. Later they come back to those stumpers with a fresh approach.
To combat the confirmation and overconfidence biases, when beginning to solve a prob-
lem, creative problem solvers brainstorm,generating lots of ideas without evaluating them.
After collecting as many ideas as possible, solutions are reviewed and evaluated.

Cognition ❮ 137


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