AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Males tend to have better ability to perform mental rotation tasks. The only evidence that
males show higher achievement in mathematics than females is on the math section of the
SAT; females receive higher grades in mathematics courses than males. Recent findings
suggest that females who get better grades in high school and college may test more poorly
because of a phenomenon known as stereotype threat,anxiety that influences members
of a group concerned that their performance will confirm a negative stereotype. According
to Claude Steele, when they know that their performance is being compared to that
of males, girls tend to do less well than if they are not being compared.

❯ Review Questions

Directions:For each question, choose the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers
the question.

Developmental Psychology ❮ 175

  1. What is the response pattern of securely attached
    children in the Strange Situation when their
    mothers return?
    (A) They tend to ignore their mothers because
    they are secure about her care.
    (B) Sometimes they run over to their mothers
    and sometimes they do not; there’s no consis-
    tent pattern in their responses.
    (C) They tend to run over to their mothers and
    beg them not to leave again.
    (D) They tend to go to their mothers for comfort.
    (E) They hit their mothers.

  2. In the nature versus nurture controversy, “nature”
    refers to
    (A) heredity
    (B) plants and animals
    (C) all living things we interact with
    (D) constituents of the problem
    (E) the environment

  3. Researchers were interested in studying the
    effects of divorce on children. Their study
    included 250 4-year-olds. Interviews and family
    observations were conducted 6 months, 2 years,
    5 years, and 10 years after the initial interviews
    and observations. Which method did the
    researcher use?
    (A) cohort sequential
    (B) cross sectional
    (C) longitudinal
    (D) experimental
    (E) quasi-experimental
    4. Object permanence is
    (A) the belief that all objects have life just like
    humans do
    (B) the idea that gender does not change by
    putting on the clothes of the opposite sex
    (C) the understanding that a tall beaker and a short
    beaker can hold the same amount of water
    (D) a belief that all objects in the world, including
    mountains and streams, are made by people
    (E) the understanding that things continue to exist
    even when they are out of sight
    5. The rooting reflex is a neonate’s tendency to
    (A) open its mouth and turn its head when
    touched on the cheek
    (B) throw out its arms and legs and quickly
    retract them when startled
    (C) explore the world through sucking objects
    (D) look longer at round shapes that look like
    faces than square shapes that do not
    (E) grasp nearby objects
    6. Dorothy just celebrated her 90th birthday with
    her close friends, and is excited about a visit from
    her grandchildren. According to Erikson, she has
    probably most recently achieved
    (A) isolation
    (B) integrity
    (C) despair
    (D) autonomy
    (E) industry


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