AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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  • Autismcan be an extremely serious childhood disorder. Diagnosis is based on three pri-
    mary symptoms that become evident early in life: lack of responsiveness to other people,
    impairment in verbal and nonverbal communications, and very limited activities and
    interests. Children with autism engage in repetitive behaviors.

  • Eating disorders have become more common, especially in adolescent females in North
    America and Western Europe. Anorexia nervosais an eating disorder characterized by a
    weight of less than 85% of normal, abnormally restrictive food consumption, and an
    unrealistic body image. No matter how emaciated they become, people with anorexia
    still think they are fat and may continue to lose weight, which can result in death.
    Bulimia nervosais an eating disorder characterized by a pattern of eating binges involv-
    ing intake of thousands of calories, followed by purging by either vomiting or using lax-
    atives. Following the purge, people with bulimia typically feel guilty, self-critical, and
    depressed. Purging can cause sore throat, swollen glands, loss of tooth enamel, nutri-
    tional deficiencies, dehydration, and intestinal damage.

Abnormal Psychology ❮ 223


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