AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

20 ❯ STEP 2. Determine Your Test Readiness

  1. Which measure of variability provides the most
    meaningful information about the following set
    of scores?
    Set of scores: 12, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 17, 32
    (A) mean
    (B) median
    (C) mode
    (D) range
    (E) standard deviation

  2. Which of the following technologies enables
    psychologists to visualize brain function?
    (A) EEG and EKG
    (B) CAT and MRI
    (C) EKG and PET
    (D) PET and CAT
    (E) fMRI and PET

  3. Which of the following nervous systems work in
    opposition to each other?
    (A) central and peripheral
    (B) somatic and autonomic
    (C) sympathetic and parasympathetic
    (D) central and sympathetic
    (E) somatic and peripheral

  4. The unit of structure and function of the human
    nervous system is the
    (A) neuron
    (B) nerve
    (C) axon
    (D) reflex arc
    (E) brain

  5. Hormones most closely associated with stress are
    produced by the
    (A) thyroid
    (B) parathyroids
    (C) pineal
    (D) adrenals
    (E) thalamus

  6. The part of the brain most closely associated with
    regulation of hunger, thirst, and body temperature
    is the
    (A) left frontal lobe
    (B) right frontal lobe
    (C) amygdala
    (D) cerebellum
    (E) hypothalamus

  7. As a result of injury to her brain, Starla no longer
    can understand what people say to her, although
    she hears them. The region of the cerebral cortex
    most likely injured is her
    (A) left temporal lobe
    (B) left frontal lobe
    (C) right frontal lobe
    (D) right parietal lobe
    (E) right occipital lobe

  8. Chemical energy is transduced to the electro-
    chemical energy of neural impulses at the
    (A) cochlea
    (B) retina
    (C) olfactory mucosa
    (D) semi-circular canals
    (E) ganglion cells

  9. Damage to the hammer, anvil, and stirrup can
    result in
    (A) conduction deafness
    (B) sensorineural deafness
    (C) blindness
    (D) color blindness
    (E) loss in taste sensation

  10. Although Hannah could barely hear the person
    on the other side of Maya whisper, Maya
    couldn’t hear him at all. For hearing, compared to
    Maya, Hannah has a
    (A) lower absolute threshold
    (B) lower difference threshold
    (C) higher absolute threshold
    (D) higher difference threshold
    (E) lower tolerance

  11. If you stand on one foot and close your eyes, which
    of the following senses prevents you from falling?
    (A) gustatory
    (B) olfactory
    (C) kinesthetic
    (D) somatosensory
    (E) visual

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