AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Take a Diagnostic Exam ❮ 21

  1. Which depth cue best explains that we are able to
    perceive a tall building to be in front of hills
    about a mile away?
    (A) interposition
    (B) texture gradient
    (C) retinal disparity
    (D) convergence
    (E) the phi phenomenon

  2. Alpha and beta waves are characteristic of

(A) conscious awareness
(B) stage 2 sleep
(C) stage 3 sleep
(D) stage 4 sleep
(E) REM sleep

  1. Monitoring by a hidden observer provides
    evidence for which theory of hypnosis?
    (A) dissociation
    (B) state
    (C) diathesis-stress
    (D) place
    (E) activation-synthesis

  2. Which of the following are stimulants?

(A) methamphetamine and codeine
(B) caffeine and morphine
(C) nicotine and cocaine
(D) alcohol and benzedrine
(E) marijuana and LSD

  1. Which of the following is the result of learning?

(A) Salmon swim upstream in order to spawn.
(B) A neonate cries immediately after birth.
(C) A man blinks when a puff of air is blown into
his eyes.
(D) A boy cringes when he sees lightning.
(E) A girl falls asleep when she feels tired.

  1. In classical conditioning, between what two factors
    is a new association formed?
    (A) reinforcer and unconditioned stimulus
    (B) reinforcer and unconditioned response
    (C) reinforcer and conditioned response
    (D) unconditioned stimulus and conditioned
    (E) unconditioned stimulus and unconditioned
    25. Although the pigeon was trained to peck at a
    yellow light, it pecks at green, red, and orange
    lights too. This behavior indicates the pecking
    behavior has been
    (A) discriminated
    (B) generalized
    (C) extinguished
    (D) spontaneously recovered
    (E) punished
    26. When alarms on timers started going off in the
    back of the classroom, students were distracted,
    but the teacher continued lecturing. As more
    alarms went off, one student got up, and the
    teacher nodded. The student walked towards the
    back of the room and the teacher nodded. The
    student turned the alarms off and the teacher
    thanked him. What operant conditioning process
    does this best illustrate?
    (A) shaping
    (B) generalization
    (C) discrimination
    (D) extinction
    (E) omission training
    27. After Tom’s parents told him not to take his
    father’s car to the movies, he did anyway. As a
    result, his parents took away Tom’s car keys and
    told him he was not permitted to drive for a
    month. Taking away the car keys and not letting
    Tom drive for a month exemplifies
    (A) positive reinforcement
    (B) positive punishment
    (C) negative reinforcement
    (D) omission training
    (E) insight learning
    28. JoBeth watched her mother cook dinner, then
    went to her room, made believe she was cooking
    the same dinner, and served it to her stuffed
    toys. JoBeth learned to cook and serve like her
    mother by
    (A) insight learning
    (B) classical conditioning
    (C) operant conditioning
    (D) observational learning
    (E) maturation



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