AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

26 ❯ STEP 2. Determine Your Test Readiness

  1. In Heartsaver AED training, the American Heart
    Association teaches rescuers to direct specific
    people standing around the victim to do specific
    jobs, such as calling 911. Directing specific
    people to perform these jobs prevents
    (A) the victim from dying
    (B) people from feeling scared
    (C) group polarization
    (D) the bystander effect
    (E) a social trap

  2. According to group polarization studies, after
    Mary and Marie (who are strongly in favor of the
    death penalty) discuss the issue with Lisa and
    Liza (who are strongly opposed to the death
    penalty), it is likely that
    (A) all of them will be more strongly in favor of
    the death penalty
    (B) all of them will be more strongly opposed to
    the death penalty
    (C) Mary and Marie will be more strongly in
    favor of the death penalty than before, and
    Lisa and Liza will be more strongly opposed
    to the death penalty than before.
    (D) Mary and Marie will be less strongly in favor
    of the death penalty, and Lisa and Liza will be
    less strongly opposed to the death penalty.
    (E) Mary and Marie will be opposed to the death
    penalty, and Lisa and Liza will be in favor of
    the death penalty.
    69. The field of psychology that examines how the
    behavior and subjective experiences of individu-
    als are influenced by other people is
    (A) sociobiology
    (B) sociology
    (C) social psychology
    (D) social anthropology
    (E) psychopathology
    70. According to evolutionary psychologists, in
    making a decision to help in life-or-death situa-
    tions, most people will choose to help
    (A) cousins sooner than siblings
    (B) ill people rather than healthy people
    (C) poor people rather than wealthy people
    (D) close friends rather than close relatives
    (E) sisters in their 20s rather than mothers in
    their 50s


Time—22 minutes

Directions:Read the following question and then write your response on a separate sheet of
paper. According to the College Board directions, “It is not enough to answer a question by
merely listing facts. You should present a cogent argument based on your critical analysis of
the question posed, using appropriate psychological terminology.”
A controversy in psychology about which psychologists have differing views is continuity
versus discontinuity. Describe what is meant by continuity versus discontinuity. Explain
how theories of cognitive development and personality development support each side of
the controversy.


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