AP Psychology

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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  • Tay–Sachs syndrome—recessive trait that produces progressive loss of nervous
    function and death in a baby;

  • Albinism—recessive trait that produces lack of pigment and involves quivering eyes
    and inability to perceive depth with both eyes;

  • Phenylketonuria (PKU)—recessive trait that results in severe, irreversible brain
    damage unless the baby is fed a special diet low in phenylalanine;

  • Huntington’s disease—dominant gene defect that involves degeneration of the nerv-
    ous system, characterized by tremors, jerky motions, blindness, and death;

  • Sex-linked traits—recessive genes located on the X chromosome with no correspon-
    ding gene on the Y chromosome, which result in expression of recessive trait, more
    frequently in males;

  • Color blindness—sex-linked trait with which individual cannot see certain colors,
    most often red and green.

Biological Bases of Behavior ❮ 83


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