New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

How to Use This Book: The Classic Plan

Ideally, you should take a couple of months to work through this book, though it’s certainly possible to read it in far less time. Here’s
how you should go about prepping with it:

If you have time, do just two or three chapters a week and let the material sink in slowly. Take some time off from your SHSAT
preparation when you need to. Nobody can take this stuff day in and day out for weeks at a time without a break.

Read through each chapter completely, learning from the example problems and trying the practice problems. In the SHSAT Study
Aids section, you’ll find SHSAT “Math in a Nutshell,” which summarizes the most important math concepts you can expect to see
on the Specialized Science High Schools Admission Test.


  1. Read the section entitled “Ready, Set, Go!” to set the stage for your preparation and testing success.

  2. Take Practice Test 1 under strictly timed conditions to get a sense of your strengths and weaknesses.

  3. Before trying your luck at the Practice Test 2, repeat the process of reviewing your areas of weakness.

  4. Give yourself a day of rest right before the real exam.

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