New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Some if /then questions contain multiple clauses. Don’t worry!

Combined Statesments

Two “if” statements cause the same “then” statement.

Complex Statement: If Karen hurts her ankle, then Fuad will hurt his arm.
If David mops the floor, then Fuad will hurt his arm.
Combined Statement:If Karen hurts her ankle OR David mops the floor, then Fuad will hurt his arm
Contrapositive: If Fuad doesn’t hurt his arm, then David didn’t mop the floor AND Karen didn’t hurt her ankle.

Linked Statements

Some if/then questions will contain a chain of events. Don’t worry!

1: If Fuad buys chalk, then Nick buys markers.

2: If Sarah buys erasers, then Fuad buys chalk.

1 + 2:If Sarah buys erasers, then Fuad buys chalk.
If Fuad buys chalk, then Nick buys markers.

Linked Statement: If Sarah buys erasers, then Nick buys markers.

Contrapositive: If Nick doesn’t buy markers, then Sarah didn’t buy erasers.


The linked statement and the contrapositive are valid conclusions. One of them will appear in the answer choices.

  1. Make sure the events are in order.

  2. Make sure they are in if/then format

  3. Drop the repeated statement to create the linked statement.

  4. Make the contrapositive of the linked statement.

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