Take a few minutes to think about the things you’ve just written down. Then rewrite them in some sort of order. List the statements
you most associate with your stress and anxiety first and put the least disturbing items last. Chances are, the top of the list is a fairly
accurate description of exactly how you react to test anxiety, both physically and mentally. The later items usually describe your
fears (disappointing Mom and Dad, looking bad, etc.). As you write the list, you’re forming a hierarchy of items so you can deal
first with the anxiety provokers that bug you most. Very often, taking care of the major items from the top of the list goes a long way
toward relieving overall testing anxiety. You probably won’t have to bother with the stuff you placed last.
Don’t study on your bed, especially if you have problems with insomnia. Your mind might start to associate the bed with
work, making it even harder for you to fall asleep.