New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Take a Deep Breath...

Here’s another natural route to relaxation and invigoration. It’s a classic isometric exercise that you can do whenever you get
stressed out—just before the test begins, even during the test. It’s very simple and takes just a few minutes.

Close your eyes. Starting with your eyes and—without holding your breath—gradually tighten every muscle in your body (but not to
the point of pain) in the following sequence:

At this point, every muscle should be tightened. Now, relax your body, one part at a time, in reverse order, starting with your toes.
Let the tension drop out of each muscle. The entire process might take five minutes from start to finish (maybe a couple of minutes
during the test). This clenching and unclenching exercise should help you to feel very relaxed.


A lamp with a 75-watt bulb is optimal for studying. But don’t put it so close to your study material that you create a glare.

  1. Close your eyes tightly.
    Squeeze your nose and mouth together so that your whole face is scrunched up. (If it makes you self-conscious to do this in the
    test room, skip the face-scrunching part.)


  1. Pull your chin into your chest, and pull your shoulders together.

  2. Tighten your arms to your body, then clench your hands into tight fists.

  3. Pull in your stomach.

  4. Squeeze your thighs and buttocks together and tighten your calves.

  5. Stretch your feet, then curl your toes (watch out for cramping in this part).

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