New York City SHSAT 2017

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

How to Take This Practice Test

Before taking this practice test, find a quiet room where you can work uninterrupted for two and a half hours. Make sure you have a
comfortable desk and several No. 2 pencils.

Once you start this practice test, don’t stop until you’ve finished. Remember that you are in control of how you spend your time on
the SHSAT. Inside your test booklet, you will see that 75 minutes is the “suggested time” for each portion of the test. You are
allowed a total of 150 minutes for the entire test, and you may divide your time as you see fit. Unlike most standardized tests, the
SHSAT does allow you to work on whichever part of the test you want to first. You can also go back and forth between sections if
you choose to.

You’ll find an answer key and answer explanations following each practice test.

Scoring information follows Practice Test 2.

Good luck.

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