(F) 1122 BCE
(G) the ninth century CE
(H) 1796
(J) 1966
(K) 1980
- As discussed in this passage, one disadvantage of variolation was that
(A) the inoculated patient could still spread smallpox.
(B) variolation did not give immunity to cowpox.
(C) immunity wore off after a time.
(D) variolation was hard to carry out.
(E) many doctors refused to use the procedure.
- The passage implies that Jenner began to experiment with vaccination because he
(F) was suffering from a mild case of smallpox himself.
(G) had noticed a relationship between two diseases.
(H) wanted to be accepted into the Royal Society of Physicians.
(J) had attempted variolation without success.
(K) preferred unconventional approaches to scientific problems.
- When did vaccination against smallpox become widespread?
(A) as soon as Jenner wrote a report of his findings
(B) several years after Jenner’s discovery
(C) only in countries where variolation was not practiced
(D) early in the twentieth century
(E) when adopted by the World Health Organization in 1966
- The passage implies that smallpox was not eliminated before 1966 because