Use ambiguous nouns and pronouns to determine the order of the following sentence pairs.
More Structural Clues
Example clues indicate that the author is providing specific evidence to back up an argument or opinion: example, for example, for
instance, one illustration of this, etc.
Sequence clues indicate the chronological order of a series of events or the order in which an author wants to discuss a series of
issues: first... second, until recently... today, in the 1920s... by the 1940s, etc.
Continuity clues indicate that the author is following up a statement with an additional, consistent statement: similarly, consequently,
therefore, hence, etc.
Contrast clues indicate that the author is presenting an idea that is inconsistent with the preceding idea: however, on the other hand,
but, nevertheless, etc.
Q.The diminutive Shetland pony has been a protected species for many years.
R.Though largely protected by isolation from other species, the pony is vulnerable because of small numbers.
Q.Some of these standing stones were decorated with carvings depicting harvest rituals.
R.Dotted across the Scottish countryside, the Pictish stones serve as a reminder of a lost race.
Q.Recent research suggests that they will last well into the twenty-first century.
R.Earth’s fossil fuels may not be as scarce as scientists once thought.