Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
(A) backward    conditioning.
(B) aversive conditioning.
(C) simultaneous conditioning.
(D) delayed conditioning.
(E) trace conditioning.

6. Tina likes   to  play    with    slugs,  but she can find    them    by  the shed    only    after   it  rains.  On  what    kind    of
reinforcement schedule is Tina’s slug hunting?
(A) continuous
(B) fixed-interval
(C) fixed-ratio
(D) variable-interval
(E) variable-ratio

7. Just before  the doors   of  the elevator    close,  Lola,   a   coworker    you despise,    enters  the elevator.   You
immediately leave, mumbling about having forgotten something. Your behavior results in
(A) positive reinforcement.
(B) a secondary reinforcer.
(C) punishment.
(D) negative reinforcement.
(E) omission training.

8. Which    of  the following   phenomena   is  illustrated by  Tolman’s    study   in  which   rats    suddenly
evidenced that they had learned to get through a maze once a reward was presented?
(A) insight learning
(B) instrumental learning
(C) latent learning
(D) spontaneous recovery
(E) classical conditioning

9. Many psychologists   believe that    children    of  parents who beat    them    are likely  to  beat    their   own
children. One common explanation for this phenomenon is
(A) modeling.
(B) latent learning.
(C) abstract learning.
(D) instrumental learning.
(E) classical conditioning.

  1. When Tito was young, his parents decided to give him a quarter every day he made his bed. Tito
    started to make his siblings’ beds also and help with other chores. Behaviorists would say that Tito
    was experiencing

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