Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1
they    divide  their   practice    time    over    the week,   and how nervous they    feel    during  their   playing
Explain how Pooja could relate each of the following phenomena to her research topic or
findings when presenting at the science fair.

  1. Distributed practice

  2. Experimenter bias

  3. Social desirability

  4. Yerkes-Dodson law

(C) One of Pooja’s findings was that students who take private lessons average a score of 4.7 on
their monthly playing test, while students who do not take private lessons average a score of
4.5. Pooja concludes that taking private lessons accelerates improvement.
■ Draw and label a bar graph to show this result.
■ Explain why you agree or disagree with Pooja’s conclusion.

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