Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Multiple-Choice Error Analysis Sheet

After checking your answers on the practice test, you might want to gauge your areas of relative strength
and weakness. This sheet will help you to classify your errors by topic area. By circling the numbers of
the questions you answered incorrectly, you can get a picture of which areas you need to study the most.


Question 1 Scoring Rubric

This is an 8-point question with two distinct parts. Part A asks you to explain how the two terms provided
might explain Eli’s aversion to green vegetables. Part B asks you to discuss how the additional five terms
might be used to encourage Eli to eat green vegetables.

  1. Two year-old Eli dislikes green vegetables and often refuses to eat them.

Part A


Evolutionary Psychology

Evolutionary psychologists believe that human behavior is motivated by the desire to ensure the survival
and proliferation of our genes. By age two, children are able to move about on their own and will
therefore encounter new plants, some of which may look like vegetables but, in fact, be dangerous to eat.

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