Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Therefore, an evolutionary psychologist might say that Eli’s refusal to eat green vegetables is due to a
natural avoidance that arises about the time children become independent enough to eat things without


Erickson’s Psychosocial Stage Theory

According to Erikson, from ages one to three children are in a stage that revolves around a conflict
between autonomy or shame and doubt. As such, children of this age often try to assert their will, and the
word no becomes a common part of their vocabularies. Eli’s refusal to eat the green vegetables his
parents so desperately want him to eat may therefore just be a way of asserting his independence.

Part B


Mere Exposure Effect

The mere exposure effect says that the more one is exposed to something, the more one comes to like it.
Therefore, Eli’s parents could simply serve him green vegetables frequently hoping that with repeated
contact, he will come to like them more.


Eli’s Lack of Piagetian Conservation

According to Piaget, children learn to conserve upon entering the concrete operations stage around age
six. Until then, children are typically unable to solve problems that ask them to compare quantities. Eli’s
parents may be able to take advantage of this cognitive limitation in how they present his vegetables. For
instance, instead of serving Eli many small pieces of celery, they could ask Eli to eat just one (large)
celery stalk.



People have a natural desire to fit in with others. If Eli’s siblings or cousins or friends eat green
vegetables, Eli’s parents may be able to increase his consumption of vegetables by serving them to Eli
among a group of people all of whom will eat their green vegetables.



Modeling is when someone observes someone else’s behavior and then copies it. While conformity
involves fitting into a group, modeling can be done by an individual. Eli’s parents can model eating green
vegetables themselves hoping that Eli will notice and copy them.


Positive Reinforcement

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