Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

A reinforcer is a consequence that increases the likelihood of a behavior. Eli’s parents can use positive
reinforcement by giving Eli something he wants when he eats his green vegetables. For instance, each day
that Eli finishes his vegetables he could be rewarded with a half hour of watching television.

Question 2 Scoring Rubric

Note: In both 2014 and 2015, the AP Psychology Exam included a free-response question in which
students were asked to create and label a bar graph. In this question, we included a bar graph to mimic
that style of the question and also asked for a scatter plot in an effort to anticipate what the exam might
include in years to come.

This is an 8-point question with three parts that focus on a student research project. Part A of the question
asks you to graph a small data set in a scatter plot and describe the correlation found. Part B requires that
you relate four psychological concepts to the research described in the question. Part C presents one of
the findings of the research and asks that you graph it and evaluate the student researcher’s conclusion.

Part A


Draw and Label a Scatter Plot

No text is necessary to earn this point other than the axis labels on the graph below. A scatter plot is used
to show a correlation; it depicts one variable on the x-axis (horizontal) and the other on the y-axis
(vertical). Typically, the independent variable is plotted on the x-axis and the dependent variable on the
y-axis. As you may remember, in a correlational study like this one, there is no true independent variable
because neither variable is manipulated by the researcher. Thus, you would score the point regardless of
which variable you plotted on either axis.
I used Excel to make the graph shown below. However, on your exam, you will not be expected to
exhibit the precision of a graphing program. You will not even have graph paper. So long as you draw and
label your axes and make a reasonable effort to plot the points in approximately the correct places, you
will earn the point.

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