Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Social desirability is the tendency of people to report the “right” kind of data. In Pooja’s case, the
students all know they are supposed to practice, and may, therefore, not be entirely honest in their reports
of their practice time.


Yerkes-Dodson Law

The Yerkes-Dodson law says that optimal performance is related to moderate levels of arousal. Pooja
may find that students who report being a little nervous during their playing tests perform better than
students who report very high or very low levels of nervousness.

Part C


Draw and Label a Bar Graph

Again, you don’t need a ruler to earn this point. Just draw the two bars and label the axes as shown


Explain Why You Agree or Disagree with Pooja’s Conclusion

You should not agree with Pooja’s conclusion, but to earn the point you need to say something about why

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