Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (B) The fact that the children now cringe when they hear any car door slam is an example of
    generalization since the children have generalized their response (CR) to the sound of their
    mother’s car door slamming to the sound of all car doors slamming. Discrimination would be the
    opposite phenomenon—if the children learned to cringe only to the sound of their mother’s car
    door and not other car doors. Acquisition in this example is when the children began to cringe to
    the sound of their mother’s slamming car door. Extinction is the opposite of acquisition—if Marva
    learned to manage her anger and stop screaming at her children, they would eventually unlearn the
    cringing response to the sound of her car door. Spontaneous recovery would be if, after
    extinguishing the cringe response, the children at a later date cringed again upon hearing a
    slamming car door.

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