Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (E) A trait theorist would be most interested in the results of the MMPI. The MMPI (Minnesota
    Multiphasic Personality Inventory) is a self-report instrument. Trait theorists use such inventories
    to help describe personality. Psychoanalytic theorists would not put much stock in people’s
    conscious reports of their own traits since psychoanalysts believe important motivations are
    largely inaccessible in the patient’s unconscious. Humanistic psychologists would prefer a more
    in-depth interview/conversation with a client in order to understand fully the unique features of
    each person. Behaviorists are far less interested in what people say than what they do. Finally,
    biological theorists are more interested in physiological factors than one’s self-reported

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