Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (B) A fetus with the genotype XXY will most likely suffer from sterility as an adult. The XXY
    genotype is known as Klinefelter’s syndrome and is one of the few chromosomal abnormalities that
    does not typically result in a miscarriage. Men with Klinefelter’s syndrome are somewhat less
    likely to be color blind than other men since the trait for color blindness is recessive and carried
    on the X chromosome; therefore, these men would have to have a copy of the gene on each of the X
    chromosomes to express it. Depression is not associated with Klinefelter’s syndrome, and
    everyone who has Klinefelter’s syndrome is a male due to the presence of the Y chromosome.

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