Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (D) Antonia has a cat. The first time she sees a rabbit, she calls it a cat. Her error results from the
    process of assimilation. Assimilation, as defined by Piaget, is the ability to take in new
    information using one’s existing schemas. Antonia had a schema for a cat and used it to make sense
    of a new animal, a rabbit. Accommodation will occur if Antonia is corrected and told that this new
    animal with longer ears and a shorter tail is a rabbit, and she then creates a new schema for
    rabbits. Discrimination and generalization are terms used together in discussing learning.
    Discrimination is when one can tell the difference between a stimulus and similar stimuli, and
    generalization is when one responds the same way to similar stimuli as one did to the stimulus with
    which one was originally trained. Habituation is a decrease in response to a repeated stimulus.

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