Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (B) Since Edy is giving the cookies out herself and they have her name on them, the act of
    distributing will increase the student body’s familiarity with her. According to the mere-exposure
    effect, increased exposure increases liking. Foot-in-the-door is a compliance technique that
    involves getting someone to agree to a small request in order to increase the likelihood they will
    agree to a larger, subsequent request. Edy’s technique utilizes the peripheral route more than the
    central route; the central route to persuasion would involve Edy explaining why she is the best
    candidate. Pluralistic ignorance is one explanation for the bystander effect. Deindividuation is a
    loss of self-restraint under conditions of heightened arousal and relative anonymity.

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