Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (E) In correlating the two sets of results, Jupiter is measuring the test’s reliability. This type of
    reliability is known as test-retest reliability. Since perfectionism should not change over the course
    of the month, a low correlation would indicate that the test was not reliable. Outliers are extreme
    scores, and Jupiter does not appear to be looking for them. To standardize the test, Jupiter would
    have to give it to a standardization sample and then look to assemble a group of questions the
    yielded a normal distribution of scores. Nothing in the question suggests Jupiter believes the mean
    level of perfectionism should have changed, and the correlation will not necessarily show whether
    it has. Finally, even though Jupiter’s work will show whether or not the test is reliable, it will not
    show whether or not it is valid. Validity is a measure of accuracy—in this case, whether the test
    actually measures perfectionism.

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