Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (C) The technique Coach Perry is using is called shaping. Shaping is defined as rewarding
    successive approximations of a desired behavior. Coach Perry would love 5-year-old Lana to be
    able to stop his hardest kick, but he knows that in order to reach that goal he must begin by letting
    her stop slow-moving balls. The law of effect is Thorndike’s pronouncement that pleasant
    consequences will increase the likelihood of a behavior and unpleasant consequences will
    decrease the likelihood of a behavior. The partial reinforcement effect is the finding that partial
    reinforcement schedules are more resistant to extinction than continuous reinforcement. Second-
    order conditioning is when, in classical conditioning, you use something that was initially a CS as
    a US to condition a new CS. A token economy is a method of promoting desired behaviors by
    rewarding such behaviors with tokens, redeemable at a future time for any of a range of items.

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