Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (C) Learned helplessness is most likely to be linked to an external locus of control. Learned
    helplessness is when exposure to circumstances one cannot control leads one to believe that one
    cannot control later events that are, in fact, within one’s control. Similarly, someone with an
    external locus of control believes that factors such as luck and fate determine what happens to them
    as opposed to internal factors like effort or skill. The Barnum effect is that people believe vague,
    stock personality descriptions describe them. Self-serving bias is the tendency to take more credit
    for positive outcomes as opposed to negative ones. You have unconditional positive regard when
    someone accepts you regardless of your faults; humanistic theorist Carl Rogers thought it essential
    for a person to be psychologically healthy. An Oedipal complex is the Freudian idea that boys are
    in love with their mothers.

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