Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (D) In studying for the AP Psychology exam, good advice would be to study from multiple sources.
    Studying from your class notes, homework, old tests, and review book involves a fairly deep level
    of processing and will result in more elaborative encoding. Short-term memory only lasts about
    20–30 seconds, so it’s not a place to store information you’re going to need hours later. Even
    though we hope you find our book helpful, reading any one source over and over again is a
    relatively shallow form of processing, and you would do better to study from multiple sources.
    Since what you need to know for the exam is not a long list of items, the serial position effect
    would not be particularly helpful. Finally, although minimizing interference is a good goal, you
    will perform better with a good night’s sleep, and research shows that interference during sleep is
    actually minimal.

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