Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (B) Cognitive psychologists would be most likely to support Schachter’s two-factor theory of
    emotion. This theory holds that emotion results from the cognitive appraisal of a general
    physiological arousal. Social facilitation is the finding that people perform well-learned tasks
    better in the presence of others. The other three theories listed, while theories of emotion, do not
    give cognition a prominent role. Cannon-Bard’s thalamic theory posits that the thalamus receives
    information from the environment and simultaneously sends signals to the cortex and autonomic
    nervous system. The James-Lange theory suggests that every emotion is associated with a unique
    physiological set of responses that tells us what emotion we feel. The opponent process theory of
    emotion states that the experience an emotion triggers is followed by the experience of its

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