Barrons AP Psychology 7th edition

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

  1. (D) Odette has several classic symptoms of major depressive disorder—loss of appetite,
    disrupted sleep, and a loss of interest in her usual activities. Although Odette is at an age when
    many people sadly begin to suffer from Alzheimer’s, she is not experiencing the rapid degeneration
    in memory and cognitive function associated with that disease. Since her problems began about a
    year ago, they do not seem to be associated with winter, and she is unlikely to be diagnosed with
    seasonal affective disorder. There is no indication that she is engaging in the binge-purge cycle
    associated with bulimia nor is there evidence that Odette evinces the major symptom of antisocial
    personality disorder, a disregard for and carelessness toward others.

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