Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


The Prompt: The box within the box always contains the prompt. You are NOT writing on the prompt. You
do NOT need to refer to the prompt in your essay. You should NOT restate the prompt as your introductory
sentence. You do NOT even have to read the prompt! It is simply there to kick-start your brain if need be.
I confess: I NEVER read the prompt. I go straight to the assignment.

The Assignment: The first sentence of the assignment IS the assignment. THAT is the question you are
answering and the ONLY sentence on the Section 1 essay page that you have to read. In this case: Should
people be more proactive about resolving problems that affect their communities or nation?

The Directions: See all that junk after the question? Let’s read and dissect it now so that you NEVER have
to read it again. Don’t worry; the directions never change.

Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view

on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and

examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or


Notice it says DEVELOP your point
of view, not FIGURE IT OUT AS

The mistake most students make
is that they fill their essays with
philosophy and abstraction, aka fluff.
Tell us your point of view clearly
and PROVE it to us with SPECIFIC

This means Literature, History,
Current Events, and Personal

What have we learned so far?

Open the test booklet, go straight to the assignment, read the question, and start brainstorming!

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