Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1


Learning, digesting, and applying all 19-grammar rules can be overwhelming at first, but keep practicing and
it should all start to gel together and click. Get a copy of the College Board Official SAT Study Guide and work
through the practice tests. Remember, if you identify an error that doesn’t fit within the parameters of one of the
19 grammar rules, then it probably isn’t an error at all. You should always be able to state what is wrong, fix what
is wrong, and justify with a grammar rule. Use the essay prompts in the College Board book to practice writing
an essay in 25 minutes. Keep those pencils and that brain moving, follow the essay guidelines, and you are
sure to score AT LEAST an 8 on the essay. Nothing to worry about!

Remember to take it easy the day before the test. Don’t cram your brain full of new information. Do a light
review, get a good night’s sleep, and eat a power-packed breakfast.

Be confident and calm on test day so that your head remains clear. Take a couple of #2 pencils, and water and a
snack to refuel during the break. If you find yourself confused and/or stressed, remember that you can always
skip (and come back to) harder problems. In general, take a deep breath, believe in yourself, and remember
the rules, definitions, and strategies I have taught you in this book. Good luck!

Chapter 8


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