Private Tutor Sat Writing 2013-2014 Prep Course

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

Let’s try another:

His skin is paler than a ghost.

Step 1: Spot the “er” word (paler) followed by “than.”
Step 2: Ask: What is the sentence comparing? It is supposed to be comparing his skin to the skin of a ghost,
but as written the sentence compares his skin to a ghost, and you can’t compare apples to oranges, you
can only compare oranges to oranges. Insert “that of” to fix.

Revised sentence: His skin is paler than that of a ghost.

Rule #9: Counting Errors ......................................................................

How to Find: Look for “er” or “est” words followed by “than.”

How to Fix: Change the “er” or “est” word to the correct degree.

Counting Errors Trick #1

“Er” words such as faster, greater, and bigger are used to compare
exactly two things. “Est” words such as fastest, greatest, and biggest
are used to compare three or more things.

As long as you spot the error, it’s the simplest fix in the world! Take a look:

Of Bob and Tim, Bob is the smallest.

Step 1: Spot the “est” word (smallest).
Step 2: Ask: How many things are being compared? Two: Bob and Tim
Step 3: Two things takes an “er” word, so change smallest to smaller.

Revised sentence: Of Bob and Tim, Bob is the smaller.

Let’s try another:

I have many questions about the meaning of life, but am not sure which is the more important.

Step 1: Spot the “er” word (more).
Step 2: Ask: How many things are being compared? Many! many questions
Step 3: More than two things take an “est” word so change more to most.

Revised sentence: I have many questions about the meaning of life, but am not sure which is the most

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