Lynne Munson, President and Executive Director of Great Minds
Nell McAnelly, Chairman, Co-Director Emeritus of the Gordon A. Cain Center for STEM
Literacy at Louisiana State University
William Kelly, Treasurer, Co-Founder and CEO at ReelDx
Jason Griffiths, Secretary, Director of Programs at the National Academy of Advanced Teacher
Pascal Forgione, Former Executive Director of the Center on Kâ12 Assessment and
Performance Management at Educational Testing Service
Lorraine Griffith, Title I Reading Specialist at West Buncombe Elementary School in Asheville,
North Carolina
Bill Honig, President of the Consortium on Reading Excellence (CORE)
Richard Kessler, Executive Dean of Mannes College the New School for Music
Chi Kim, Former Superintendent, Ross School District
Karen LeFever, Executive Vice President and Chief Development Officer at ChanceLight
Behavioral Health and Education
Maria Neira, Former Vice President, New York State United Teachers