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138 | Index
Cosine function: determining values of, 75;
development in India (500 C.E.) of the, 73–74;
extending the domain to all real numbers, 76;
Ferris Wheel model used to explore the, 74;
graphing, 76
Course Content Review: description of, 19;
extensions to the Algebra II course, 26;
Rationale for Module Sequence in Algebra II,
21–25; sequence of modules aligned with the
standards, 19; Summary of Year and Major
Emphasis Clusters, 19, 20
Credit cards, 94
Curriculum: advantages to a coherent, 2–3;
year-long curriculum maps, 6fig–9fig
Curriculum design: approach to lesson structure,
28–30; approach to module structure, 27–28;
description of, 27; Lesson 17 (Algebra II
Module 3) sample, 30, 31fig–48fig
Curriculum maps: A Story of Functions (9–12
grades), 9fig; A Story of Ratios (6–8 grades), 8fig;
A Story of Units (PreK–5 grades), 6fig–7fig
Cyclical behavior: modeling tides, sound waves,
and stock markets, 78; using trigonometric
functions to model Ferris wheel, 78
Daily Assessment: description and function of, 49;
Exit Tickets, 38fig–39fig, 49; Problem Sets, 1,
40 fig–48fig, 49
Data: bean counting using functions to model, 92;
drawing conclusions from a sample, 95, 102–105;
drawing conclusions using experiment, 95,
105–106; evaluating reports based on sample, 105;
fitting polynomial functions to values of, 66;
inferences and conclusions from, 95–106;
probability of, 95, 98–101; probability rules, 95, 101
Data distributions: center, shape, and spread, 103;
draw smooth curve to model, 102–103;
modeling, 95, 102–103; normal, 103; using a
curve to model, 103
Debriefing: Eureka Math focus on, 1; Exit Tickets
for, 38fig–39fig, 49; Problem Sets for, 1,
40 fig–48fig, 49
Differentiated instruction: for English language
learners (ELLs) students, 52–53; for students
performing above grade level, 56; for students
performing below grade level, 55–56; for
students with disabilities, 53–55; Universal
Design for Learning (UDL) integrated into,
Division: of polynomials, 63; rational expressions, 67
End-of-Module Assessment Task, 50, 52
English language learners (ELLs), 52–53
Equations: complex numbers as solutions to, 69;
graphing systems of, 68; Major Emphasis
Cluster on reasoning with inequalities and, 20;
solving systems of linear, 67. See also Solving
Euler’s number, 85
Eureka Math: goal to produce students who are
fluent in mathematics, 1; overview of, 1–2;
A Story of Ratios (6–8 grades), 1; A Story of Units
(PreK–5 grades), 1. See also A Story of Functions
(9–12 grades)
Events: calculating probabilities using two-way
tables, 100; calculating probability of union of
two, 100; chance experiments, sample spaces,
and, 100; multiplication rule for independent,
100; two-way tables for calculating conditional
probability and evaluating independent, 100;
Venn diagrams to represent, 100
Exit Tickets: description and function of, 49;
Lesson 27 (Algebra II Module 3) sample lesson,
38 fig–39fig
Experiments: distinguishing between
observational studies, surveys, and, 103;
drawing conclusions using data from an, 95,
105–106; sample spaces, events, and chance,
Exploration lessons: description and activities
of, 29; icon indicating a, 29fig
Exploratory tasks, 13
Exponential equations: geometric sequences
and exponential growth and decay, 93;
solving, 92
Exponential functions: graphing logarithmic and,
79, 88–91; integer, 85; irrational, 85; properties
of radicals and, 85; rational, 85; transformations
of the graphs of, 90
Expressions: Major Emphasis Cluster on
arithmetic with polynomials and rational, 20;
Major Emphasis Cluster on seeing structure in,
20; rewriting simple rational, 66; solving and
applying equations for rational, radical, and
polynomials, 66–68
Extension Standards: description and function of,
57; Module 1: Polynomial, Rational, and Radical
Relationships, 26, 60; Module 2: Trigonometric
Functions, 26, 71; Module 3: Exponential and
Logarithmic Functions, 26, 71; Module 4:
Inferences and Conclusions from Data, 26