Eureka Math Algebra II Study Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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140 | Index

Linear systems: solving equations in three
variables of, 67; solving systems of linear
equations, 67
Logarithmic functions: calculations of, 86, 88;
changing the base of a, 88; constructing a table
of logarithms base 10, 86, 88; disguised as
“WhatPower” function, 86, 88; graph of the
natural, 91; graphing exponential and, 79, 88–91;
graphing the, 90; modeling situations using, 79,
91–93; properties of, 86, 88; solving logarithmic
equations, 88; transformations of the graphs of,
90; what they are used for, 88
Logarithmic tables, 88

Major Emphasis Clusters, 19, 20
Mid-Module Assessment Task, 50, 52
Million dollar savings plan, 94
Modeling Cycle lessons: description and activities
of, 29; icon indicating a, 29fig
Modeling with mathematics: coherence supported
through pictorial models and, 12; data
distributions, 95, 101–102; Eureka Math focus
on, 1; factoring and modeling polynomials,
64–66; Ferris wheel model, 16, 73–75, 78;
Standards for Mathematical Practice on, 16, 62;
using logarithms for, 79, 91–93
Module 1 (Polynomial, Rational, and Radical
Relationships): alignment with the standards, 22;
Extension Standards, 26, 60; Focus
Standards, 58–60, 63, 65, 66–67, 69; Focus
Standards for Mathematical Practice, 62;
Foundational Standards, 60–61; Instructional
Days, 9fig, 63, 65, 67, 69; Module Topic
Summaries, 62–69; overview of the, 58; Rational
for Module Sequence in Algebra II, 21; sequence
aligned with the standards, 19; terminology of,
Module 1 topic summaries: Topic A: Polynomials–
From Base Ten to Base X, 62–64; Topic B:
Factoring–Its Use and Its Obstacles, 64–66;
Topic C: Solving and Applying Equations–
Polynomial, Rational, and Radical, 66–68;
Topic D: A Surprise from Geometry–Complex
Numbers Overcome All Obstacles, 68–69
Module 2 (Trigonometric Functions): alignment
with the standards, 23; Extension Standards, 26,
71; Focus Standards, 70–71, 75, 77; Focus
Standards for Mathematical Practice, 72–73;
Foundational Standards, 71–72; Instructional
Days, 9fig, 75, 77; Module Topic Summaries,
73–79; overview of, 70; Rational for Module

Sequence in Algebra II, 21; sequence aligned
with the standards, 19; terminology of, 114–115
Module 2 topic summaries: Topic A: The Story of
Trigonometry and Its Contexts, 70, 73–76; Topic
B: Understanding Trigonometric Functions and
Putting Them to Use, 70, 76–79
Module 3 (Exponential and Logarithmic
Functions): alignment with the standards,
23–24; Extension Standards, 26, 71; Focus
Standards, 79–82, 85, 87, 89–90, 92, 94; Focus
Standards for Mathematical Practice, 82–83;
Foundational Standards, 82; Instructional
Days, 9fig, 85, 87, 90, 92, 94; Module Topic
Summaries, 83–94; overview of the, 79;
Rational for Module Sequence in Algebra II, 21;
sequence aligned with the standards, 19;
terminology of, 115–116
Module 3 topic summaries: Topic A: Real
Numbers, 79, 83–85; Topic B: Logarithms, 79,
86–88; Topic C: Exponential and Logarithmic
Functions and Their Graphs, 79, 88–91; Topic D:
Using Logarithms in Modeling Situations, 79,
91–93; Topic E: Geometric Series and Finance,
79, 93–94
Module 4 (Inferences and Conclusions from Data):
alignment with the standards, 25; Extension
Standards, 26; Focus Standards, 95–96, 99–100,
102, 103, 105; Focus Standards for Mathematical
Practice, 98; Foundational Standards, 97–98;
Instructional Days, 9fig, 100, 102, 103, 105;
Module Topic Summaries, 95, 98–106; overview
of the, 95; Rational for Module Sequence in
Algebra II, 21; sequence aligned with the
standards, 19; terminology of, 116–117
Module 4 topic summaries: Topic A: Probability,
95, 98–102; Topic B: Modeling Data
Distributions, 101–102; Topic B: Probability
Rules, 95; Topic C: Drawing Conclusions Using
Data from a Sample, 95, 102–105; Topic D:
Drawing Conclusions Using Data from an
Experiment, 95, 105–106
Module Overview: description of, 12, 27, 57;
Module 1: Polynomial, Rational, and Radical
Relationships, 58; Module 2: Trigonometric
Functions, 70; Module 3: Exponential and
Logarithmic Functions, 79; Module 4:
Inferences and Conclusions from Data, 95
Motion of celestial bodies, 75
Multiplication: interpretation of irrational
numbers, 90; rational expressions, 67; rule
for independent events, 100

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