Eureka Math Algebra II Study Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

This chapter presents the year-long curriculum maps for each grade band in the
Eureka Math curriculum: A Story of Units, A Story of Ratios, and A Story of Functions.
These maps illustrate the major mathematical themes across the entire mathematics
curriculum. The chapter also includes a detailed examination of the math concept
development for A Story of Functions. The chapter closes with an in-depth description
of how the curriculum is aligned to the Instructional Shifts and the Standards for
Mathematical Practice.

Year-Long Curriculum Maps for Each Grade Band

The curriculum map is a chart that shows, at a glance, the sequence of modules that
make up each grade or course of the entire curriculum for a given grade band. The map
also indicates the approximate number of instructional days designated for each module of
each grade or course. It is important for educators to have knowledge of how key topics are
sequenced from PreK through Grade 12. The maps for the three grade bands in Figures 2.1
to 2.3 reveal the trajectories through the grades for topics such as geometry, fractions,
functions, and statistics and probability.

Math Content Development for Grades 9–12: A Story of Functions

The curricular design for A Story of Functions is based on the principle that mathematics
is most effectively taught as a logical, engaging story. At the high school level, the story’s main
plot line is the study of problems in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics that
are modeled by functions. Through these problems, students are introduced to and learn the
properties of the main types of functions. For example, students model bacteria growth using

Chapter 2 Major Mathematical Themes in Each Grade Band

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