138 | Index
representing and interpreting one-variable, 63;
representing and interpreting two-variable,
63; understanding statistical variability, 64
Data set analysis, 100
Debriefing: Exploration Lesson followed by, 29;
Instructional Shifts evidence during, 1; Socratic
Lesson followed by, 29
Differentiated instruction: for English language
learners (ELLs), 44–45; for students performing
above grade level, 48; for students performing
below grade level, 47–48; for students with
disabilities, 45–47
Distributions: describing variability and
comparing, 67–68; shapes and centers of,
65–66; summarize and describe, 64
Double and Add 5 Game lessons, 61, 62
End-of-Module Assessment Task, 42, 44
English language learners (ELLs), 44–45
Equations: applications of systems of inequalities
and, 60; connection to rectangles by quadratic,
81, 87–90; create ones that describe numbers or
relationships, 83, 85; created to solve problems,
50, 60–62; creating, 20; describing numbers or
relationships, 51; factored expressions involved
in, 59; rearranging formulas, 60; true and false,
59; variable expression in the denominator in,
- See also Solving equations
Eureka Math: overview of, 1–2; A Story of Ratios
(6–8 grades), 1–3, 8fig; A Story of Units (PreK–5
grades), 2–3, 8fig. See also A Story of Functions
(9–12 grades)
Exit tickets: description of, 41; Lesson 14 (Grade 9
Module 3), 36fig–38; tracking student progress
using, 44
Exploration lessons: description and activities of,
29; icon indicating a, 29fig
Exponential decay models, 77
Exponential function graphs, 56, 77–78
Exponential growth problems: making sense and
solving, 14, 76; sample Lesson 14 (Grade 9
Module 3) comparing linear and, 30–40fig
Exponential models: construct and compare
linear, quadratic, and, 73, 80; exponential
growth problems, 14, 30–40fig, 76
Expressions: algebraic, 57–58; apply integer
exponents to generate equivalent, 54;
connection to rectangles by quadratic, 81,
87–90; equations involving factored, 59;
equations involving variable expression in the
denominator, 59; use properties of operations
to generate equivalent, 53; write in equivalent
forms to solve problems, 71, 83. See also
Structure in expressions
Extension Standards, 49
Factored expressions, 59
Federal income tax lesson, 62
Fluency rigor, 20
Focus: description of, 11; Instructional Shift of, 11
Focus Standards: description and function of, 28,
49; Module 1: Relationships Between Quantities
and Reasoning with Equations and Their
Graphs, 51–52, 56, 57, 58, 61; Module 2:
Descriptive Statistics, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69; Module
3: Linear and Exponential Functions, 71–73, 76,
77, 79, 80; Module 4: Polynomial and Quadratic
Expressions, Equations, and Functions, 82–84,
88, 90–91, 93; Module 5: A Synthesis of
Modeling with Equations and Functions, 96,
99–100, 101
Focus Standards for Mathematical Practice:
description of, 49; Module 1: Relationships
Between Quantities and Reasoning with
Equations and Their Graphs, 54–55; Module 2:
Descriptive Statistics, 65; Module 3: Linear and
Exponential Functions, 75; Module 4: Polynomial
and Quadratic Expressions, Equations, and
Functions, 85–87; Module 5: A Synthesis of
Modeling with Equations and Functions, 97–98
Formulas: quadratic, 82; rearranging, 60
Foundational Standards: coherence supported by
the, 12; description and function of, 28, 49; focus
supported by, 11; lesson structure component
of, 12; Module 1: Relationships Between
Quantities and Reasoning with Equations and
Their Graphs, 52–54; Module 2: Descriptive
Statistics, 64–65; Module 3: Linear and
Exponential Functions, 73–75; Module 4:
Polynomial and Quadratic Expressions,
Equations, and Functions, 84–85; Module 5:
A Synthesis of Modeling with Equations and
Functions, 97
Functions: analyze using different
representations, 84; build new functions form
existing, 72; build new ones from existing
functions, 84; building student knowledge
on using, 10; definition and uses of, 9–10, 73;
graphing cubic, square root, and cube root,
93; graphing stories to study, 50, 55–56;
interpreting, 20, 72, 73, 84; problem solving
using functions and graphs, 80–81; that model