Eureka Math Algebra I Study Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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solution sets to simultaneous equations, 60;
solution sets to two-variable, 60; for systems
of equations, 75; understood as process of
reasoning, 51, 74, 85; using numerical and
algebraic expressions and equations, 52. See
also Equations; Problem solving
Square root functions, 93
Squares: quadratic expressions to complete the, 91;
solving quadratic equations by completing the, 91
Standards for Mathematical Practice: how A Story
of Functions aligns with, 14–18; MP.1: make sense
of problems and persevere in solving them, 14;
MP.2: reason abstractly and quantitatively,
14–15; MP.3: construct viable arguments and
critique the reasoning of others, 15–16; MP.4:
model with mathematics, 16; MP.5: use
appropriate tools strategically, 16–17; MP.6:
attend to precision, 17; MP.7: look for and make
use of structure, 17–18; MP.8: look for and
express regularity in repeated reasoning, 18
Statistical variability understanding, 64
A Story of Functions (9–12 grades): alignment with
Instructional Shifts, 11–14; coherent curriculum
of, 2–3; designed to prepare students to take
calculus, 10–11; introduction to, 1, 2; math
content development for, 5, 8; scaffolding
and accommodations integrated into, 43–48;
significance of functions focus of, 9–11;
Standards for Mathematical Practice aligned
with, 14–18; Universal Design of Learning (UDL)
integration with, 43–48; year-long curriculum
map of the, 9fig. See also Eureka Math
A Story of Ratios (6–8 grades): coherent
curriculum of, 2–3; introduction to, 1, 2; year-
long curriculum map of the, 8fig
A Story of Units (PreK–5 grades): coherent
curriculum of, 2–3; introduction to, 1; year-long
curriculum map of the, 6fig–7fig
Structure in expressions: algebra, 17; Focus
Standards on, 51; geometry, 18; interpreting the,
74, 82–83; Module 1 on the, 50, 56–58;
Precalculus, 18; seeing, 20. See also Expressions
Student engagement: providing English language
learners (ELLs) with multiple means of, 45;
providing students performing above grade
level with multiple means of, 48; providing
students performing below grade level with
multiple means of, 48; providing students with
disabilities with multiple means of, 47

Student Outcomes: focus supported by, 11;
Lesson 14 (Grade 9 Module 3), 31; Module 1:
Relationships Between Quantities and
Reasoning with Equations and Their Graphs,
56, 57–58, 59–60, 62
Students: English language learners (ELLs), 44–45;
performing above grade level, 48; performing
below grade level, 47–48
Students with disabilities: individualized
education programs (IEPs) for, 45; scaffolds
and accommodations for, 45–47; Section 504
plans for, 45
Subtracting polynomials, 58
Suggested Tools and Representations, 28
Summary of Year, 19, 20

Table of Content: coherence supported by the,
12; description of, 27; lesson structure
component of, 12
Terminology: Algebra I, 103–106; Algebra II,
109–113; description of module, 28, 103;
geometry, 107–109; Precalculus and advanced
topics, 113–123
Topic Overview: coherence supported by the, 12;
description and function of, 28, 49; lesson
structure component of, 12
Transformations of functions: definition and uses
of, 10; modeling and quadratic, 82, 92–94;
piecewise functions, 72, 78–79
Two-variable equations: representing and
interpreting, 63; solution sets to, 60
Two-variables data: bivariate data patterns of,
64–65; categorical, 68; numerical, 68–70

Universal Design of Learning (UDL): scaffolds for
English language learners (ELLs), 44–45;
scaffolds for students performing above grade
level, 48; scaffolds for students performing
below grade level, 47–48; scaffolds for students
with disabilities, 45–47; A Story of Functions
integration with, 43–48

Verbal descriptions: analysis of, 100; modeling
context from a, 102
Vertext Form, 92

Zero: understand relationship between factors of
polynomials and, 83; zero product property
lesson on solving one-variable equations, 89

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