Eureka Math Algebra I Study Guide

(Marvins-Underground-K-12) #1

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Teachers are confronted daily with meeting the needs of diverse learners in their
classrooms, and differentiating instruction provides a means for meeting this challenge.
This chapter explains how A Story of Functions integrates Universal Design for Learning
(UDL). Marginal notes to the teacher in lessons inform teachers about how to adapt activities
to better meet the needs of various student groups.

As noted in the standards (p. 4) β€œall students must have the opportunity to learn and meet
the same high standards if they are to access the knowledge and skills necessary in their
post-school lives.” The writers of A Story of Functions agree and feel strongly that
accommodations cannot be just an extra set of resources for particular students. Instead,
scaffolding must be folded into the curriculum in such a way that it is part of its very DNA. Said
another way, faithful adherence to the modules is the primary scaffolding tool.

The modules that make up A Story of Functions propose that the components of excellent
math instruction do not change based on the audience. That said, specific resources within
this curriculum highlight strategies that can provide critical access for all students.

Research-based UDL has provided a structure for thinking about how to meet the
needs of diverse learners. Broadly, that structure asks teachers to consider multiple
means of representation, multiple means of action and expression, and multiple means
of engagement. Charts at the end of this section offer suggested scaffolds, using this
framework, for English language learners, students with disabilities, students performing
above grade level, and students performing below grade level. UDL offers ideal settings
for multiple entry points for students and minimizes instructional barriers to learning.
Many of the suggestions on the chart are applicable to other students and overlapping

In addition, individual lessons contain marginal notes to teachers (in text boxes)
highlighting specific UDL information about scaffolds that might be employed with particular
intentionality when working with students. These tips are strategically placed in the lesson
where teachers might use the strategy to the best advantage.

It is important to note that the scaffolds and accommodations integrated into A Story
of Functions might change how learners access information and demonstrate learning; they

Chapter 5

approach to Differentiated


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