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The DeClaraTion of inDepenDenCe promised equality for all,
leading many americans to question the inequalities of slavery. a movement
to abolish slavery and the slave trade took root throughout the northern
states in the late 1780s. its supporters were known as abolitionists. although
there had been protests against slavery since colonial times,
mostly by religious groups, the slave population continued
to grow, and tensions between the free states of the
north and the slave states of the South escalated.
Through newspapers, speeches, and public meetings,
abolitionists spread the word about the horrors of
slavery, despite strong opposition by Southern
slaveholders and their supporters. others helped
support the Underground railroad, a network of
houses and people who illegally helped escaping
slaves reach safety in the nonslave states. Their
crusade spread to england, where abolitionists
worked to end the international slave trade.
fighTing for freeDom
Those who opposed slavery joined together to fight for
its abolition. abolitionists traveled throughout the north,
spreading their message through rallies, debates, and
speeches. one of the most powerful groups was the
american antislavery Society, founded in 1833. its
founder, William lloyd garrison, published a newspaper
called The Liberator to campaign for an end to slavery.
UncLe Tom’s cabin
no other abolitionist writing had the political impact of
Uncle Tom’s cabin, a novel by harriet Beecher Stowe.
after a trip to a Kentucky plantation, a horrified Stowe
decided to write about the evils of slavery. her novel was
simple and melodramatic, but its vivid descriptions of
suffering and cruelty turned many people against slavery.
Sales were astonishing—300,000 copies were sold within
a year. in the South, Stowe was brutally criticized, but her
book proved an effective attack on slavery.
john BroWn
Some abolitionists felt slavery could only be
ended by force. in october 1859, abolitionist
john Brown and a small band of followers
mounted an unsuccessful raid on a government
weapons store at harpers ferry, Virginia. The
local militia killed most of his men, and Brown
was captured, tried for treason, and hanged.
Women join The fighT
among several important female
campaigners, Sojourner Truth
(above) played an active role in
the abolitionist movement. Born
into slavery in 1797, she was freed
in 1827. She traveled the nation
with her moving message about
the rights of slaves and women.
freDeriCK DoUglaSS
Born a slave in maryland, frederick
Douglass escaped to new York when
he was 21 years old. he became one
of the greatest antislavery speakers of
his time, highlighting the terrible
treatment of slaves. his newspaper,
north star, advocated equality not
only for slaves but also for women.
An abolitionist rally
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